TechnologyMountains – Der Technogieverbund im Südwesten
TechnologyMountains turns companies into summiteers, because in a network, companies move forward faster! At TechnologyMountains, over 370 companies are already convinced by the networking offer. Together, they represent the technological strength and innovative power in the southwest. Beyond traditional industry boundaries, our network provides access to technical know-how, especially for precision technology in the automotive, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and medical technology sectors. TechnologyMountains sees itself as a link between business and science and initiates development and cooperation projects together with its members. In this way the technological leadership of the member companies is secured and expanded.
VDMA – Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau
With more than 3,400 members, the Mechanical Engineering Industry Association is the largest network organization and important voice for mechanical engineering in Germany and Europe. The association represents the common economic, technical and scientific interests of this unique and diverse industry. The association’s technical expertise, industry knowledge and straightforward positioning make it a recognized and valued contact for companies as well as for the public, media, science, administration and politics.
wvib – Wirtschaftsverband Industrieller Unternehmen Baden e.V.
The wvib Schwarzwald AG brings together medium-sized, family-owned, export-strong industrial companies – in the Black Forest and far beyond. Open-minded entrepreneurs and executives who are committed to their company, their customers, their employees, the environment and to our society exchange ideas with one goal: to make companies and people more competitive. It’s about: Values, family, ownership, strategy, leadership, industry technology perspectives, new (global) market access and new business models. More than 60 full-time employees span a southwestern German network for “knowledge and warmth” across the globally engaged Schwarzwald AG.
A3 – Association for Advancing Automation
AUTOMATE.ORG is the home for the Association for Advancing Automation, the leading global automation trade association of the robotics, machine vision, motion control, and industrial AI industries. We are your hub for all your automation resources: Products, partners, new applications, training, and information on the latest technologies.